The Professional Development Plan. Section II

Knowing what to do with your life is a very important feature of a person who is on their way to success. And this, difficult at first sight, decision, demands a very simple step – being honest. Why, with whom and which questions should be honestly answered – this and much more is revealed in today’s interview of me…with myself. Interviewer: Hello, Marija. As far as I know, you are currently a Journalism student at the University of Westminster. Have you thought about your further career already?

Marija: Oh, yes. Indeed I have. I hope I will not change my mind during these three years and later, after the graduation, I will stick to the chosen profession. I have thought about this for at least three years and I am quite sure about my choice.

Interviewer: People nowadays differentiate lots of types of journalists. Do you already know what type of a journalist you want to be?

Marija: I am not sure I have gone that far. (laughs) I mean, there are so many interesting things in the world, and firstly, I haven’t even seen a half of them, secondly, even if I have, I still wouldn’t be able to choose.

Interviewer: Okay, let’s start with theory, then. I am going to name several types of journalists now, and your task will be to choose and explain why. Deal?

Marija: Totally.

Interviewer: Do you see yourself in public interest journalism, service journalism or entertainment?

Marija: If you asked me two years ago, I’d probably be swinging between service and entertainment. But now I know for sure – it is service journalism. However, I don’t see myself in a typical “how-to-lose-ten-pounds-in-a-week” women magazine. I would love to run my own column about people with interesting life stories, and, probably, dedicate a whole magazine to these.

Interviewer: That does sound interesting. And the next one, would rather work as a freelancer or as a staff journalist?

Marija: I adore travelling, so in the next 10 years I would prefer freelance working. Maybe it is much more complicated than it sounds, but isn’t it wonderful – doing what you love while doing what you love? Of course, I will have to settle down and get a stable job after some time, but at first I need to see and experience life.

Interviewer: Writing, editorial or production?

Marija: Writing, definitely!

Interviewer: Would you prefer to be generalist or specialist?

Marija: Specialist. I’d rather be good at a particular sphere, than know a little in several. Moreover, I have mentioned I’d love to run a column, and that means, and need to know the topic I’m going to be writing about in and out.

Interviewer: And the last one. You, probably, have heard of Four Types of Journalists by Matt Thompson. He claims, that there are storyteller, newshound, systems analyst and provocateur. Would like to be one of them? If so, who and why?

Marija: I think I’d be a storyteller. Literally. Thompson describes him as a person, who connects people to each other and to issues that matter in their lives. I’ll be the one who tells and re-tells people’s stories – isn’t it what storyteller does? However, this is my opinion now, and I am now at that age when everything can change immediately. I’d like everything to remain the same, but you never know.

Interviewer: Seems like you have some good plans for the nearest future. But at the same time, there is a lot to think about. It was nice talking to you, Marija. Good luck!

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